Crew are Voyagers who have chosen to participate in one or more of the working groups responsible for directing specific aspects of the project (with guidance from the broader collection of Voyagers at key decision points).
We expect multiple crews of various types to form during the Brassica RAD Housing project. Some crews may be needed for short periods of time, and others may be needed for the length of the project (hopefully with a changing collection of Voyagers along the way). We hope that Voyagers will choose to participate as Crew when (and only when) they have capacity to do so.
The following are examples of three types of crew and two specific crew, to illustrate the idea.
Governance crews
Governance type of Crews are those focused on planning and design tasks,documentation, and facilitation practices.
The RAD Crew will be our first governance type crew. The RAD Crew’s goals are to drive forward the RAD Housing model by ensuring that the Brassica Collective, and other interested groups, can retrofit, and decommodify existing suburban housing so that we, and others, can live in secure, resilient and affordable housing. As part of this, the crew will take the initial responsibility for designing and facilitating group decision-making processes, documenting emerging processes, and supporting the emerging direction of Brassica Collective to stay aligned with the RAD housing goals.
Implementation crews
Implementation types of Crew are those focused on the project management tasks required to implement specific stages of the project, such as acquiring properties, retrofitting, etc.,
The Seedling Crew will be our first implementation type crew and will take responsibility for project-managing the first ‘Seedling House’ stage of the Brassica project. Associated tasks may include proposing property-selection criteria, project managing house retrofits, etc.,
Optimisation crews
Optimisation crews are expected to form much later; once we’ve some established sites available for long-term habitation. Responsibilities might include things such as navigating the practical details of living in a multi-house collective, site maintenance, etc.,